Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Treatment & Care

At Vantage Point, in Fayetteville, AR, we strive to meet the individual needs of every patient who walks through our doors. For over 35 years we have successfully served children, adolescents, adults, and seniors at our center suffering from ADHD.

Learn More About ADHD Treatment

Learn more about ADHD treatment at Vantage Point Behavioral Health Hospital Fayetteville, AR

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is marked by a persistent pattern of inattention and/or the presence of excessively hyperactive and impulsive behaviors that interfere with one’s ability to function and develop appropriately. ADHD is one of the most prominently diagnosed mental disorders in children and adolescents, and has recently become a more common diagnosis in adults as well. Individuals who are suffering from the symptoms of ADHD can find relief from those symptoms by receiving the proper treatment. There is no cure for ADHD, but it can be successfully managed through such treatment, making it possible to lead happy, healthy, and productive lives.

Vantage Point has successfully served children, adolescents, adults, and seniors suffering from mental illness and drug addiction for more than 35 years. Our caring professionals make it their goal to ensure that every person who receives treatment at Vantage Point is provided with services tailored to meet each individual’s specific needs. You do not have to continue suffering from the symptoms of ADHD, you can get the help that you need and deserve at Vantage Point.

How to Help a Loved One

Helping a loved one get treatment for ADHD

Watching a loved one suffer from the symptoms of ADHD can be stressful, time-consuming, and frustrating. It can be extremely difficult to see your loved one suffering, but it can also have difficult ramifications on you, personally, as well. Fortunately, there is help. Treatment for ADHD has been highly effective and can provide you and your loved one with the reprieve that you both need from the symptoms that he or she suffers through every day. However, it is not uncommon for people suffering from ADHD to refrain from seeking help. This is why it is important for you to play an active role in helping your loved one seek out and receive the best treatment that he or she can get. The following are some examples of signs of ADHD that your loved one might be displaying that could indicate that he or she needs help:

  • Experiencing sudden angry outbursts
  • Sudden bursts of hyperactivity
  • Chronic bad moods
  • Experiencing severe feelings of anxiety
  • Problems concentrating, which has begun to effect his or her ability to perform at school or work
  • Difficulty interacting with others
  • Social isolation
  • Seeing or hearing things that are not really there

If you notice that your child or loved one has been displaying these behaviors, it might be time to sit down with them and help them understand that they need help. However, this type of confrontation is not always easy, especially when faced with presenting the idea to an adolescent. Before staging your intervention, there are a few things to consider in order to help make the conversation both helpful and productive.

1)      Understand the disorder. Before presenting your loved one with the idea of getting treatment, it is beneficial to have an understanding of exactly what the disorder is. Even just going through the different symptoms that you have seen exhibited by your loved one can help make your stance more credible. This will also aid in your ability to answer any questions that he or she may have.

2)     Approach them with a sense of empathy. It should be expected that, under most circumstances, people will react to the suggestion of getting treatment by becoming defensive. Try not to let their defensiveness cause you to become defensive in return. Allow them to have the opportunity to express their feelings and give them a chance to bring forth any reservations they may have. This will show them that you respect them and that you care about their feelings and are not just trying to implement your own agenda.

3)     Use “I” statements. The concept of using “I” statements is crucial in helping a conversation refrain from becoming an argument. As soon as a person begins using “you” at the beginning of a sentence, the more quickly the person being spoken to will become defensive. So, for example, instead of saying, “You need to get help” maybe say, “I would like to see you get the help you deserve. If I was experiencing the things that you are, I would want someone to work through it with me.”

4)     Look into treatment options together. Don’t automatically assume that you should be the one to get everything started. Ask your loved one to sit down with you and do some research on facilities together. By including your loved one in the process, it will help him or her feel as though he or she is making the decision, instead of having a decision forced upon him or her.

Why Consider Treatment

Why consider treatment for ADHD at Vantage Point Behavioral Health Hospital Fayetteville, AR

If you are suffering from ADHD, you may tend to find yourself dealing with situations that can be extremely anxiety-provoking. You may feel disorganized, forgetful, frustrated, and overwhelmed by the aspects of everyday life. You may have suffered from declining grades if you are in school, or from poor productivity if you are working. These experiences may have left you feeling defeated. You may have felt your self-esteem dropping. You may have found it difficult to start and maintain significant relationships. You may feel like there is no hope, but it doesn’t have to be that way. There is hope.

Inpatient treatment programs can be extremely helpful for people struggling with the symptoms of ADHD. By participating in an inpatient program, you are provided with an opportunity to learn about the different aspects of ADHD, while also discovering that you are not alone in the struggles that you face. Inpatient programs allow you to have the opportunity to take part in individual therapy, group therapy, and family therapy while remaining in a safe, caring environment. These therapies are designed to help patients get their symptoms under control, while also providing the support and encouragement that they need to move forward with their lives.

Our Philosophy

Vantage Point Behavioral Health Hospital philosophy and treatment benefits

At Vantage Point of Northwest Arkansas, our goal is to help each and every one of our patients receive the treatment they deserve so that they are able to lead the full lives that they deserve. We provide a full continuum of care that ranges from acute inpatient care to various outpatient programs. We work hard to make sure that the needs of our community are constantly being met by creating programs designed to facilitate growth and success within the community.

Types of Treatment

Types of ADHD treatment offered at Vantage Point Behavioral Health Hospital Fayetteville, AR

When you come to Vantage Point, we begin your treatment process by conducting a thorough assessment in order to make sure that we understand the depth of each and every one of your needs. This enables us to have the ability to customize treatment to meet the specific needs of every individual that we treat. Once the assessment is complete and an appropriate level of care has been recommended, an individualized treatment plan will be devised under the guidance of a qualified therapist, a case manager, and a psychiatrist. We make sure that you and your family are involved in the development of this treatment plan because we know that this is about you and everything that we do throughout the course of your treatment should be about giving you the assistance you need and the assistance that you want. We want you to feel comfortable about everything that you will face during your time spent with us.

At Vantage Point, you or your loved one will be offered different forms of treatment modalities, tailored to specifically meet your needs. The three main types of modalities that we offer are an interdisciplinary approach, trauma informed care, and cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). Each approach can be explained fully to you by the therapist with whom you work in order to ensure that any questions or concerns that you have regarding the treatment approaches can be addressed. We also offer recreation time for all patients, academic programming for school aged children, and occupational and physical therapy if needed or requested.

Medication management: Part of successfully managing the symptoms of ADHD comes in the form of medication. Stimulants are the most commonly used medications used to treat ADHD as they aid in helping to reduce one’s hyperactivity as well as to increase one’s ability to focus and concentrate. At all times during treatment, medication is closely monitored and will be altered if needed.

Individual therapy: All of our patients will participate in one-on-one therapy sessions with his or her own individual therapist at least once per week. However, additional individual therapy sessions can occur on an as needed basis or at the specific request of the patient. During these individual sessions, patients will have the opportunity to explore and process the various emotions that they may be experiencing, while also working with their therapist to help identify different aspects of their thought-processes that may be causing some of the symptoms that they are experiencing. The therapists work with the patients to help them learn different behavioral management techniques that they can implement, as well as different coping skills that they can use in order to help them cope with the stresses that they face on a daily basis.

Group therapy: Group therapy is held on an ongoing basis and meets multiple times a day, every day. These group sessions cover topics such as developing positive coping skills, maintaining mood control, and developing healthy interpersonal relationships.

Family involvement: At Vantage Point, we understand the importance of family involvement in the success of a person’s treatment. Family therapy sessions are held once a week, but extra sessions can be requested and held at the discretion of the individual’s therapist. Patients are also able to have weekly visitation with family members.

Continuing Care

Continuing care and levels of treatment for ADHD

Planning for discharge begins at the time of a patient’s admission into a program. We know how important it is for our patients to get the help that they need and be able to return to their normal daily lives as soon as possible. By having a discharge plan start developing at the time of admission, it allows case managers and care coordinators time to organize future treatment options that can be provided to patients following their discharge. Patients will not be discharged without having the comfort of knowing that the next stage of their treatment is already in place. On the day of discharge, patients will have a final meeting with their treatment team in order to go over the next steps for treatment. Patients will leave our program with the comfort of knowing that they will still have the ongoing support that they need.

I wanted to give this recommendation for Vantage Point. This hospital has been very good for me. They work very hard to make sure their patients are well taken care of. I felt lucky to be here for in-house stay and now for IOP. If you need help emotionally this is the place to be.

– a former client